Samstag, September 02, 2006

My name's Sam

It was the first Saturday of my new found energy for crafting (following the Friday of Reawakening). It was late. I was tired. I was also lonely, and felt quite fed up with whatever. And because the blues did not go away, I had to make this lovely blue rabbit. Meet Sammy:

He came into being thanks to kwoozy's incredibly simple and lovely pattern, and he looks the way he does because 1) My only sewing skill is sewing slightly wonky straight lines 2) I chose stretchy velvet for this masterpiece (where not even straight lines go straight anymore) 3) and I will blame the rest on tiredness. :P
He only received his eyes and nose yesterday evening when I finally convinced myself that it couldn't get any worse, and lo and behold, his face turned out rather cute! (If you're looking from the front that is.)

For the sake of completeness I took a picture from the side. Kwoozy, this is what I talked about when I called him a humpbacked bunny-seal hybrid...

For some reason, his back legs are only half there! Dang the machine that ate my fabric! I want to make another one (or more?) and next time I will definitely use simple, non-stretchy cotton, and might also forsake the sewing machine and hope for better luck using my hands.

I think I have to add this: He may look funny, and I may poke fun at him and myself, but I really love this little thingie. My first handmade stuffed animal. <3 He's now watching over me when I sleep (since he received his eyes yesterday, no good watching when eyeless), and I will see his friendly face every time I wake up. :)

Btw, Sammy's name came about because the German word for velvet is Samt.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

AHHH, so so cute! hehe =)