Donnerstag, September 07, 2006

Catching Up: Some things I got lately

Here's a couple of things I bought before I left for my holidays:

This extremely cute cup...I know I have enough teacups, but this one was just too sweet to pass up...I found it in the homeware department of large supermarket...where I usually never go. I guess I'll better stay away in future as well if I want to save money (and space, at that). :P

And then I also found this:

It's actually an originally English book translated into German. My translation back into English: Knitting - Hot trends for cool girls. Now, it's evidently aimed at teenagers, a group I no longer belong to (and I don't really think of myself as 'cool'), but:
1) It's for beginners 2) It's easy stuff 3) The things still look great!


I do hope that this will be a further incentive on my personal long hard road to knowledge of knitting.

And here's a few things I got on my holidays (all in one shop, lol):

Things I bought myself: Teacup and the two pendants. Things my mum bought for me: The bracelet.
This was a small shop in Hermagor, a town we passed through when on our way to the Garlitzklamm. It was fun, the shop is run by a couple from the Netherlands who used to visit Austria in their holidays and always dreamt of moving here (they love mountains - and the Netherlands have so few of them). They managed just that about a year ago and now own this great shop which sells all sorts of things - wooden toys for kids, souvenirs, glassware, herbal teas, things made with semiprecious stones...a very nice and light shop. :)

And here another shot of my beautiful new teacup (yes I know, another one :P) for your viewing pleasure:

And finally - two sets of beads I received from my friend (I shall call her T, she's the one I had my crafting Wednesday with and who is now in China) for my cat-sitting over a weekend. As if taking some time to cuddle her cats wasn't reward enough! Look at these, they're beautiful!

*(Note: This isn't me, it's a picture from the book. I have no idea about knitting yet, except knowing that whenever I try it ends in failure. ;P)

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