Mittwoch, September 20, 2006

Change of plans

Hey, to everyone who was looking forward to calling me Miss Lazy - sorry! I'm not renaming this blog. No, the paper isn't finished - but I received an email from the professor I'm writing it for that it's not due by end of September, but by end of October! Yay for me! This message was so incredibly motivating that I read around 30 pages (with tiny script!) and took some more notes last evening (for said paper). So, I'm not really lazy, right? In fact, I will in a few minutes go back and finish the book I'm reading for the thing.

That reminds me about yesterday evening, when I was sitting on my bed doing the studying stuff, and it was just hilarious - I was drinking Croatian (non-alcoholic) beer which my sister had brought back from her last holiday (she didn't like it), eating Japanese peanut snacks which Babs had sent, and reading about English sonnets. What fun! Multi-cultural study time! (Oh yeah, and I was listening to Nick Cave, so that's Australian music thrown into the mix!)
I should do this more often, it was good fun. I don't necessarily need to drink beer (I rarely do, actually), but I'm sure I can have some cultural mix-up fun more often. :)

Anyway, the actual change of plans is - I will finish the one book today, and start working on the other paper I need to do tomorrow. And I need to email my thesis professor that I won't be writing the one term paper I said I'd maybe do - it just didn't work out with the first half of my holidays being again taken over by emotional chaos and most of the other half with getting over it. (Yeah, I'll actually give him that explanation...he'll understand, he's cool ;D).

No worries friends, your time to call me lazy and be nasty about me not writing anything much will come, next spring and summer when I write my thesis. I'll need all the incentive and motivation I can get to stick to the'll help me out, right? ;)

And now, some food, and then back to my lovely sonnet (the paper is about translations of Shakespeare's sonnet no. 66, and my own ideas on translating it, if anyone's interested).

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

of course we will help you with the paper! now back to writing.. hehe.

Une question pour mademoiselle: Just wondering about your big yellow box, the white postal paper on top - why is that in French ? Pardon me if it's a stupid question :)

Fel hat gesagt…

French? I don't know! There should be no French whatsoever! It was sent here in Austria, where usually everything is written in German - so if there's any French, either the post had it's bit of fun and sent it the roundabout way, or...uh..I have no idea! ->???