Sonntag, November 02, 2008


[Of course, I meant the Lambchop "Romp" CD, not Stomp, geez, how tired wasI? :P]

I have no pictures to show, but we had a suprisingly nice weekend, considering it was the beginning of November. Instead of wallowing in warm water for most of Saturday, we decided to skip this part until next weekend, and rather went for a nice walk (up the hill, hot chocolate, down the hill) and then into the sauna his parents own. After that, we had wonderful dinner. What more could I want? :D

Today we went to see an exhibition about vikings in the town my boyfriend is going to work in from tomorrow onwards. He also showed us (his family and me) where he was going to work exactly, and then we had another lovely dinner. Geez, so much food! Those people always feed me with such wonderful stuff, and I can't tell my mum any longer, because she gets frustrated, heh. ;)

My Nano text (I'm not calling it a novel yet, that would be hubris. :P) has reached the 3k mark, which is ok - I think I will write a lot more tomorrow when I WILL be alone and it WILL probably be late at night because there is such a lot of ironing to do, bleh. And there will be tea. I need to keep focussing on the tea. ;)

Good start into the week everyone!

Donnerstag, Oktober 30, 2008

Here we go again

Last year, my novelling attempts died on Day 1, since the long weekend was spent away from keyboard and proper novelling attitude (alone, late at night, surrounded with tea and snacks). This year, I will do better! I WILL write this year's story. No matter if it turns out as stupidly misled as the one of 2006. This year, it will be good. :)

Fingers crossed.


In other news, I finished my studies in the middle of September, so am now officially a university graduate. What am I doing currently? Thinking about what will come next. Planning when and how to move out (get my own flat? Move in with boyfriend? Wait for good friend to come back from Peru and get a flat with her? My money is on option 2 ;D). Getting rid of a lot of useless stuff (clothes I will never wear again, books I will realistically never, ever read etc). Listening to Lambchop's "Stomp" CD (all the cover versions they ever did in the last 10 years). And drinking a lot of tea. Tea is good. Tea makes everything better.

I also want to give this blog a little revamp and then post more often. Let's see how that one goes. ;)

But first of, I'm off tomorrow for the weekend, because the boyfriend starts work (REAL work, 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week, not mentioning the commute) next Monday, and we wanted to celebrate the occasion. Probably the last weekend in the coming 3 years where he will NOT be exhausted. ;)

Donnerstag, August 28, 2008

Discworld Quiz

Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics)
created with
You scored as The Librarian

You’re the Librarian! Once a wizard, now an Orang-utan (due to an unfortunate magical accident), you refuse to be turned back for a few reasons: In this form, it’s easier to reach the shelves and hold more books; having the strength of five men makes people return their books on time; life’s great philosophical questions boil down to “when do I get my next banana?‿ You say “ook‿ but are usually understood well enough.

The Librarian


Carrot Ironfounderson


Gytha (Nanny) Ogg


Lord Havelock Vetinari


Commander Samuel Vimes






Cohen The Barbarian


Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax




Mittwoch, Juni 04, 2008


Last week, out of a need for indulgence, and to sort of reward me for almost finishing my diploma thesis (just waiting for some corrections by my supervisor now, and then...), and because I received an email about it of course, I bought all the available back issues of Interweave Knits in their big Back Issue Sale. And wohoo - today the box arrived! It's sitting there right next to me on my bed, waiting for me to open it, and do nothing but browse through them for the next couple of hours. ;)

Also, yesterday my boyfriend finished his degree - and today my sister returned from her study year in France. Really, is there any reason I should NOT be smiling?


Montag, April 28, 2008

I know what I did last November

I finally managed to get my photographic problems solved, so I can write about some of the great things that I did.

On the 11th of November, I went to Linz with my lovely friend Kris. Where we had some lovely cake and hot chocolate

courtesy of the lovely Sue - and afterwards we went on to a different café where we met some more wonderful people, and I took fancy photographs of lights and ceiling.

Shortly after that I visited a friend of mine who was doing an internship in Maribor (in Slovenia, to the southeast of here). These days she's working in South America. Amazing girl, and the friend I've know for longest (21 years! Believe it or not!). We drank lots of tea at her place, had a walk around town,

and drank some more tea in this most amazing little place.

The world over my teacup....

Yes, those are tiny randomly patterned plates and cups hanging from the ceiling! Too amazing!

And then, on what was I think the last weekend of November, I went with a group of people to spend a weekend in a castle

and watch movies, discuss those movies, and take a long walk in somewhat snowy woods.

I loved this rendition of the castle reminding me of the 70s or 80s:

And this lovely old stone tower in the fog (it was November, after all!):

But most of all I loved the view we had from our window. This is what it looked like on the first evening:

What a great way to spend the most dreary month of the year!

Sonntag, März 30, 2008

Things...could only get better

And so they have. :)

Soon, very soon, more interesting stuff than me being happy about written progress (oh, and an all-over clean bathroom etc). Some pictures would be nice for a change, and so we shall have pictures. Soon.

It took months, but I think I'm getting into it now. Three pages today, which may not seem a lot, but every page counts...and this is the most I've written on a single day in the past few months.

So now I'll shut off this thing and read. And go to bed at a sensible time. ;)

Mittwoch, März 26, 2008



Last night I had a hard time falling asleep. My aunt and great-aunt had been to visit for the evening, and I had a talk with my aunt about my thesis, and my job, and future work possibilities.* Anyway, lying in bed, feeling full even though I had only had one meal (it's all those eggs, I swear, blargh), I tossed and turned and almost panicked. I don't really know why, it just all seemed too much for some reason (again!). Anyway, after some tosses and turns, I decided the following: The next day (ie the 25th, Tuesday) I would do the following:

1) Clean up my desk so there is some actual workspace.
2) Finish the one subchapter I have been working on for the past 2 weeks (faaar too long!)

And then, only then, would I be allowed to read, knit, or visit my boyfriend.

Well, I woke up, and of course I spent my morning doing nothing in particular, and my early afternoon (until around 6pm to be honest) playing an online game with the boyfriend to cheer him up after what seems to have been a nasty day at work. But then...

Yes, then I cleared up my desk and wrote the 2.5 pages it still took to finish that subchapter. I finished 5 minutes ago. Not much time now to read or knit, and no more driving over to you know where as well, but hey. It worked. I'm all amazed.

It wasn't easy. So many distractions. I sorted through some clippings today and suddenly remembered my not-yet-used-but-much-dreamed-about favourite online clothes store, and then spent ages staring at the beautiful things that they have. Then there were the sweets I got for Easter, and boy, did I eat a lot of them. And of course, those mounds of paper waiting to be sorted everywhere around me. And mental blockades. And tiredness. And this stupid "I don't WANT to write!"-feeling. But, in the end, I overcame all of this. Especially the mental blockades. Especially this stupid urge to use loooots of detail when absolutely unnecessary. Detail is good in lots of things, but not in short, summarized introductions to certain topics.

Anyway, it's almost 1am now, but still, I think I deserve a little reading. ;)

(And thanks to everyone who cheered me on in the last few days. It helps! And it makes this girl here a very happy one.)

*We both agreed that my future lies in video game translation. Tehee.

Dienstag, März 25, 2008

Avoidance issues get unexpected help

I currently spend much more time knitting than working on the big pile of books sitting here to my left. Not good.

Finding sites like Ravelry and then signing up for them is even worse.

But the worst bit? Surfing it for hours and daydreaming about knitting ALL day without doing either any knitting NOR any uni work, ie doing NOTHING at all but staring at a computer screen, or eating another Easter lunch.

This will have to stop. And it will stop tomorrow. Hmph.

Freitag, März 14, 2008

New things, or Change is Good


I thought a lot about changing the colour of this blog lately. Somehow black doesn't really cut it anymore. I don't know whether the current pastel theme will stay, but hey - doesn't it look nice and lovely and like spring is finally here?

Also - I got my job. Can you believe it? First application, first interview, and there you have it. Hah!
I think it's going to be nice - even though I always thought I'd never ever want to work as a secretary. Well. ;)
This job is for 2 years, which is perfect; and I'll be working only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and only until early afternoon as well. This means I'll have free time/study time left and can even go to the one seminar on Friday. Perfect. Perfect!

And with my thesis, I think I'm not as desperate anymore as I was the last few weeks. I think the end of writing the first chapter (stupid theoretical stuff, brrr, but necessary) is in sight, and after that it should be a breeze.

Don't you just love it when suddenly everything starts to work out?


Mittwoch, März 05, 2008

Relief and belief

For years I thought how nice it would be to find a hobby which would give me some break from the neverending reading and thinking that my course of studies requires. I always thought I would love to do something with my hands - and sometimes I did, buying some clay and making simple figurines, or dreaming about a career in woodworking (which I still haven't tried), or I did some minimal drawing, some minimal painting, and sometimes some sewing. Very little of each though, since none of them seemed to really work.
But finally it seems as if I found my 'thing'. I taught myself how to knit last year- after several failed attempts from schoolteachers, female relatives and my best friend - from a book (Debbie Stoller's Stitch'n'Bitch, which seems to have done the trick for countless others), and ever since then I've been at it - not very much at first, but in the last few months it's grown somewhat in importance. So much so that some of the most fun I have is browsing and some knitting blogs and dreaming about all the things I will make someday.
The best thing is, it really IS nice. I'm still at a very basic level, but I do get a lot of satisfaction from knitting nonetheless. To see how a piece grows row by row is very nice indeed, especially if you're used to just wondering whether all your studying has actually been good for something. It's also very relaxing - nothing better for a break from the computer than knitting a few rows (or taking a walk, of course, but lately I've been lazy in that respect :P). I can ALSO listen to audiobooks if I want to, and I've received quite a few of them lately (I especially like the Emily Dickinson poetry collection at the moment - beautiful!).
Knitting is also highly portable, easily stored in a small space (...ignore the masses of yarn...ignore...ignore...), AND intrigues my boyfriend! Perfect!
So, knitting. My relief from all the thinking work. How good to have finally found you. :)

I actually rewarded myself today by buying some new yarn and my own pair of 4,5mm needles (I try to wean myself from my mom's ones). What did I reward myself for? Well! I survived my first ever job interview! Admittedly, the people who interviewed me made it REALLY easy for me, so the talk in itself was actually a sort of reward, but hey. I even told them that currently the main thing I do in my free time is knitting...

I: So what are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?
B: *laughs* Not much right now...
I *laughs* (very nice person, did I mention that already?)
B: Well, I always wanted to do something crafty as a relief from studying, and...this may sound weird, but currently the main thing I do is knitting...
I: *both laugh* This doesn't sound weird at all! (B thinks "Mhhh!")
I2: Mhhh yes, sock knitting...

=> See how these people made it easy for me? Why I'd really like to work there (besides the secure job for 2 years and great working times and the wonderful general work - for example, on better energy sources for the future etc - and attitude of the institute concerned)? I did my best hoping for them to invite me to be interviewed and now I will just believe, and trust, and believe some more that they will actually take me.

Relief. Belief.
*knitting needles and fingers crossed*

Sonntag, Februar 24, 2008

Oooh, another!

What better to do at night? Again, I found this on Dy's blog.

Here are the rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you
2. Post THE RULES on your blog
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog
4. Tag 7 people and link to them
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Ok, seven weird facts. I've done this before, but I guess there are loads more weird things about me!

1. I'm an extraordinarily messy person most of the time, although I would love to have it otherwise. Then, sometimes, I get wild urges to clean everything and make everything nice. I wish these would last a little longer. :P

2. Many find this to be weird, though I do not: I love videogames! I played Nintento games when I was small, and am now an avid Playstation fan. I don't get to play much, but I just love those games! (RPGs, for those who care.)

3. I tend to put an early alarm, then switch it off as soon as it rings, and sleep until midday. A very bad habit which I is sadly very persistent.

4. Fruit-flavoured tea without lemon and sugar makes me feel sick. I mainly drink tea with nothing in it but tea, but this is an exception (as is chai, but only because it is supposed to be like that).

5. Back at school I used to write letters the length of 10 pages or so to my best friend who went to the same school, class etc, and who I saw everyday.

6. I hate hairdryers. I love to let my hair dry naturally, even though that makes me look like Tina Turner, just with longer hair. :P Although, sometimes I get these really nice waves...but then, sometimes not. Weird hair!

7. The ayurvedic idea of drinking hot water in the morning actually is one of my favourite things to do when I get up.

I hope this is weird enough, as I didn't think about it much, just wrote down what came to mind. Maybe I mentioned one of these things before, but I guess that doesn't matter too much. ;)

Also, as I do not know that many bloggers, I'll just tag everyone who reads this. Enjoy!

Samstag, Februar 23, 2008

Nice Meme

Here's a nice meme I found at Dy's Blog. It requires one-word answers, which makes it nice and short. ;)

One Word
1. Where is your cell phone? backpack
2. Your significant other? close
3. Your hair? washed
4. Your mother? curious
5. Your father? overworked
6. Your favorite thing? happiness
7. Your dream last night? horrible
8. Your favorite drink? tea
9. Your dream/goal? artist
10. The room you’re in? mine
11. Your ex? grah!
12. Your fear? drowning
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? world
14. Where were you last night? holiday
15. What you’re not? overambitious
16. Muffins? any
17. One of your wish list items? books
18. Where you grew up? here
19. The last thing you did? unpack
20. What are you wearing? little
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pet? none
23. Your computer? laptop
24. Your life? good
25. Your mood? fine
26. Missing someone? sister
27 Your car? none
28. Something you’re not wearing? bra
29. Favorite Store? Borders?
30. Your summer? varying
31. Like someone? loads
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? dinner
34. Last time you cried? week

So, that's it. I guess one could put loads more questions here, but these are the ones that were on the list, so here you go. If anyone feels interested in doing this, let me know!

Donnerstag, Februar 14, 2008

All about...fibers and more

I'm being lazy and don't want to work, but I'll have to soon. In the meantime I did the Pottercraft fiber quiz. Apparently I'm angora.

Says on the site: "Angoras are eager to please and are highly sensitive. Flexibility and adaptability are your strengths and sometimes your weakness as well. You are essentially a warm and feeling person, and little escapes your impressionable mind. You are generous with others and strive for harmony in your relationships."

No kidding, eh? They're telling this to the girl who a) cried because her boyfriend made lovely breakfast for her because it's Valentine's Day and b) cried while *he* read *her* card (crazy, eh), and then some more because it was all so lovely. I really should stop this crying business. :P

I hope you all have a great day as well!

Btw, I'll be on holiday next week - not that it matters much concerning posting, but still. Hey, holiday! :D

Mittwoch, Jänner 16, 2008

Go me

You may wonder what this car is doing here.
Then you might happen to glance at its Not-yet-numberplate.
And you might learn something about the power of association. Or Google Picture search.

Anyway, there is such a lot I would like to write. The last few months I took a few little trips, and met with some very nice people, and had some special experiences, AND I even took the pictures to prove it...but since all my stuff is currently spread between two computers, and I can't be bothered to organize everything right now, all the interesting, picture-y stuff has to wait.
Just like those little texts I would like to write about why crafting makes sense, and what this all has to do with autonomy and responsibility etc etc
Instead, here is a nice little photo of what my workspace would look like if I could be bothered to take a photo, and upload it, and transfer it from the computer that allows the uploading from my camera to the one I actually own and use.

(Thanks to the car homepage and the anonymous person whose workplace I borrowed.)

Oh yes, this is thesis writing. Reading. Typing. Reading some more. Typing in a few more quotations. Knitting to relieve the fingers of typing pain, then typing to relieve the fingers of knitting pain. And tea. And getting up early regularly because it suddenly all feels so grown-up.
Seeing that the end of being a (lazy...) student is near, everything looks kinda different. Where will my money come from in a couple of months? Will I really write a PhD thesis? Who on earth would care to hire me? Where does it all lead to, anyway?
No worries, I'm pretty calm about these things. Still, the questions are there. And only the next few months will bring the answers.
And hopefully all those posts I'd REALLY like to write, too.