Mittwoch, März 26, 2008



Last night I had a hard time falling asleep. My aunt and great-aunt had been to visit for the evening, and I had a talk with my aunt about my thesis, and my job, and future work possibilities.* Anyway, lying in bed, feeling full even though I had only had one meal (it's all those eggs, I swear, blargh), I tossed and turned and almost panicked. I don't really know why, it just all seemed too much for some reason (again!). Anyway, after some tosses and turns, I decided the following: The next day (ie the 25th, Tuesday) I would do the following:

1) Clean up my desk so there is some actual workspace.
2) Finish the one subchapter I have been working on for the past 2 weeks (faaar too long!)

And then, only then, would I be allowed to read, knit, or visit my boyfriend.

Well, I woke up, and of course I spent my morning doing nothing in particular, and my early afternoon (until around 6pm to be honest) playing an online game with the boyfriend to cheer him up after what seems to have been a nasty day at work. But then...

Yes, then I cleared up my desk and wrote the 2.5 pages it still took to finish that subchapter. I finished 5 minutes ago. Not much time now to read or knit, and no more driving over to you know where as well, but hey. It worked. I'm all amazed.

It wasn't easy. So many distractions. I sorted through some clippings today and suddenly remembered my not-yet-used-but-much-dreamed-about favourite online clothes store, and then spent ages staring at the beautiful things that they have. Then there were the sweets I got for Easter, and boy, did I eat a lot of them. And of course, those mounds of paper waiting to be sorted everywhere around me. And mental blockades. And tiredness. And this stupid "I don't WANT to write!"-feeling. But, in the end, I overcame all of this. Especially the mental blockades. Especially this stupid urge to use loooots of detail when absolutely unnecessary. Detail is good in lots of things, but not in short, summarized introductions to certain topics.

Anyway, it's almost 1am now, but still, I think I deserve a little reading. ;)

(And thanks to everyone who cheered me on in the last few days. It helps! And it makes this girl here a very happy one.)

*We both agreed that my future lies in video game translation. Tehee.

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