Montag, September 11, 2006

September Sunburn

Yesterday my sis and I were at a market. We here call them flea markets for some reason, in the UK they're called car boot sales, no idea how other people might call it. There's one held in our district every year; we went last year and decided to go this year as well.
And it was *freakin' hot*!
Ok, at 5.30 am it wasn't, it was pretty cold, but once the sun reached our little place, we were more or less cooking for the rest of the day. The consequence: we now both have a ridiculously strong sunburn on arms and chest, my arms haven't been this dark in years (I'm naturally fair-skinned and, as mentioned before, a lazy stay-at-home) - and today I have a headache, so still not many emails written, I think I managed two or three. They will come though!
I'll write about the exciting pool billard we played with the rest of our family afterwards (how I still managed to hit the right balls half-asleep I don't know) and other fun later on.
Must sleep soon. *huge yawn*

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