Montag, Jänner 29, 2007

Six weird things about me...

...and a few extra.
I wanted to do this anyway, but then Dy went ahead and tagged me as well, so I guess that means I've got to do it NOW. ;)

So, read, and have fun. Please laugh, else it's tragic. :P

1. As a child in primary school (and maybe up until the age of 12 or so) I was convinced that I could fly. I would sit on my bed, suddenly feel like I would soon take off (weird, eh?), and then think "Just a little more now, just a little more." or "I'm flying I'm flying!" - alas, it never worked. :(

2. I used to dance. Latin American dances, like Cha-Cha, Samba, that kind of stuff. I used to be in a formation. I wore sparkly dresses full of sequins. I wore fake fingernails with sparkly crystals on them. I wore fake tan on my face and bright red lipstick. I think this entry alone would fill the whole list! O_O

3. I sometimes talk to myself - although, reading what other people have written, this is probably not that weird anymore. It just gets bad when I do it in traffic and complain about other drivers. And especially bad when I'm on my bike and people walk by. :P

4. I LOVE video games! For me, this is not weird, but other people might just think it is. I was playing Super Mario obsessively in primary school. Then I played loads of Tetris. Then, my once boyfriend got me into RPGs. The boyfriend is now gone, but the RPGs remain. I haven't been playing lately, but I sooo want to again.
(I'll add another weird thing to this one, so I don't end up with a list of 23 a kiddo, I had a major crush on Luigi. As an older kiddo of around 18, I had a major crush on someone called Squall. Neither of these really exists.)

5. I had a time in my life when I would avoid anyone I knew at uni, like old school colleagues etc. If I saw any of them, I would take loooong detours. It was freaky.
I still avoid other people sometimes, but I think I have reduced them to a) people asking for donations b) people selling street magazines and c) my ex, who doesn't turn up anywhere anyway, thankfully - and the first two only when I really don't want to be bothered.

6. There was a time, for about 6 months or so, when the best friend I had was an Australian guy I had never met and only talked to online. I mentioned him before on this blog, I think. He saved me from what could have been a major crash (depression was looming - I had my hair cut really short and dyed red and looked very odd and wrote poems that still break my heart).
He'll probably never read this, but hey, let's trust to chance a bit: Hey Chug! *waves*
(His real names was a different one.)

7. Another one for good measure: I hate to find a parking space in a location where there are hardly any available, for example IKEA on Saturdays or the city centre on almost any day. I regularly freak out during such times, and if there should be someone in the car beside me, they better be very calm and relaxed people and prepare for some shouting, cursing, and possibly tears.

8. And maybe just another one, so Dy doesn't feel weird with her 8 points: I once went to an Apokalyptica concert. Apokalyptica play Heavy Metal on cellos. Guess what I was wearing? A very cute babyblue top. That's me. Always in black, but not for ze concerts. *shakes head at herself*

9. Oh, and I just thought of another one. I think my eyes are weird. Basically, they're blue. But sometimes, they are bright blue, and sometimes, they are a dark greenish blue. I suppose this has to do with weather and light and such. Still, looking at pictures of myself, it seems like my eyes always change. Weird! ;)

I *suppose* there would be more, but let's just leave it at that, hm? Thankfully, noone of my family is currently around, so they can't add anything...

10. I just thought, why not make it ten, actually. You may agree with me or not, but I think this is one of the best pictures ever. It still makes me laugh after months and months. Am I weird, or do you all like it as much as I do? Whatever, I will soon put it on a t-shirt.

5 Kommentare:

Dy hat gesagt…

LOL, good collection! I'm off to Google Apokalyptica - heavy metal on cello - that's something I'd like to hear!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hahaha..."Barbara loves Luiiiigi, Barbara loves Luigi!" =P

I am RIGHT there with you on number one...and I used to have dreams (ALL the time) where to activate my flying I just jumped in the air. then I would try it when I woke up...

AND, lucky I'm not in the car with you in number 7 or we would both be freaking out =P

Anonym hat gesagt…

Your eyes sound beautiful. Your parking habits sound a bit familiar. And, I think if you really, really tried you COULD fly! (I dream all the time--well every few months or so--that I can fly on the wind. It's always the same and I do great as long as I don't get too very high. Way up there the winds are out of control, you know!)

AND(!), congratulations on the new job! Great going! Enjoy it!

Farmer Lori D.

Anonym hat gesagt…

nah.. you don't sound weird.

I can relate to no. 5.
also some of no. 4 (don't have video games when I was a kid). heheh in I know I am years late but in fact I am playing FF3 (blame the BF) with a ZNES simulator on my comp right now.

Hey, you should check out Cave Story
( - entirely created by 1 guy (code/graphics/music) - amazing!

All the best with your new job too!

OH, my machine is still at the shop :( No crafting for a long time - maybe I should do this weird list too heheh.

Anonym hat gesagt…

So I've been to an Apocalyptica concert (ages ago, before even the second album came out) and I hardly own anything black at all. :)
And I avoid people. (Still, although less than I used to.)
And I adore the picture.

Weirdness is pretty relative I guess. :)