Dienstag, Jänner 09, 2007

Seven things

As I was reading through Meshell's archive to cheer me up when uni started again after the holidays, I came across this fun list, somewhat like the list of fours I did a while ago. Here goes...

Seven things to do before I die

1. Travel the world.
2. Write a book.
3. Own at least one cat.
4. Have children/a family.
5. Learn: how to knit, crochet, sew properly; and proper Italian, some French and some Japanese.
6. Work in my dream job(s).
7. Learn how to eat healthily and look after myself properly.

Seven things I cannot do
1. Sew straight lines (working on it)
2. Repair a computer (or build one from scratch *sighs*)
3. Learn how to budget money properly.
4. Stop eating chocolate.
5. Stop putting English words into German conversations.
6. Stop saying "lol" and "rofl" when talking to people.
7. Get to bed and sleep at the right time (getting to bed is OK sometimes, but falling asleep hardly ever is)

Seven things that attract me to my mate
We-ell, this one I can't answer right now. ;)

Seven Books I love
1. Each and every Terry Pratchett book.
2. All Harry Potter books (just no. 5 I didn't like that much, but maybe I need to read it again)
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. The Last Unicorn (finally read in Christmas holidays, oooh <3<3<3)
5. The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde
6. Eucalyptus - Murray Bail
7. Clear your clutter - Karen Kingston ;)

Seven Things I say
1. "Lol."
2. "Uaaaaah." *yawns*
3. "I am SO looking forward to when this is all over." (overused right now)
4. "Guess I'll do it tomorrow."
5. "I'm tired."
6. "Why me?"
7. "Have fun!" (My way of saying goodbye, hilarious when I say it without thinking to my mum as she goes to work - she's always saying "Thanks" with this "Yeah right" intonation...)

Seven Movies I Loved
1. Amelie
2. The Lord of the Rings movies
3. The Harry Potter movies
4. Sliding Doors
5. The Last Unicorn (so lovely when I was little, so entirely different when I watched it two weeks ago)
6. Most Disney movies (especially the older ones)
7. Kill Bill

Seven People To Tag
Whoever cares to do this, please do so (and let me know!)

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I'm going to pronounce myself tagged (by you) on my blog. Keep a watch out--my "Seven Things" will pop up sometime soon. (As sometime over the next day or few days.)
Lori Deeeee.
P.S. I'm going to check out your books. The only one's I (shamefully?) recognized right off were Harry Potter (I've read 2 of those) and Lord of the Rings (loved those when I was (was?) a kid.)And, knowing me, I'd like the "clutter clearing" one. Ditto (check up) on the movies.
**Do you really say LOL?! (lol!)

Dy hat gesagt…

I'm with you, I can't stop eating chocolate either. :-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love reading these things! Why does everyone not like HP 5 eh? I think that was my fave =) And yes, great to check out your books.