Sonntag, März 18, 2012

Week 4, Day 5

4 mixed cereal crackers with peanut butter
1 cup of Yogi Tea Chocolate

1 cup of herbal tea

Late lunch:
1 kebab (lamb)

several small sandwiches with butter, cheese, salami, bell pepper etc
1 can of Guinness
1 bottle Gösser
some crisps

I have to admit I have no idea whether any of the things I consumed under 'dinner' contained sugar or not. I'm really not sure how I should handle invitations to other people's places in the future. Bring my own snacks? Eat beforehand and consume nothing while there? Eat only a tiny little bit? I'll have to think about that.
By the way, the two portions of beer, which would normally don't do evil things to me, did result in me feeling sort of odd Saturday morning. I really think I need to be careful with that as well.

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