Freitag, März 02, 2012

Reading update

As previously mentioned, I'm trying to read more, a lot more, than last year. I'm currently deep into a list of books I need to read for an exam, and need to finish 2 1/4 books until Monday, so that should be...easy?

Anyway, what I've read since I finished with Tiffany Aching:

The English Patient
Return to Harken House
12 balls of yarn for Granny Owl (my own translation; a tiny children's book which I won't really count, but it was about a knitting owl <3)

And I'm now on the last 100 pages of Midnight's Children. I currently feel a little behind my goal of one book per week, but if I manage to read those other 2 books (Things fall apart and Disgrace), I'll be way ahead again. Fingers crossed!

Edit: And - Midnight's Children finished. Phew! What a book! Wish I could take a break now to digest it properly...

Edit 2: It seems I entirely forgot 'The God of Small Things'. I finished that just before Midnight's Children.

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