Donnerstag, Februar 23, 2012

Week 1, Day 4

Day 4! I'm going out for dinner this evening, so I wonder how that'll turn out.

2 slices of bread, one with tuna spread (S) and one with cheese
1 cup of Chococino (it's finished now. Gone. Yay!) plus some added chocolate*, with some rice milk as well

3 small potatoes, roasted with olive oil, plus some cheese and roast tomatoes

Coconut Curry soup
Fish curry with I think it was either pumpkin or sweet potatoes (and kale or chard?), some rice
1 glass of (white) spritzer
1 tall glass of Kardamom Mint (a drink that a chef in Graz has developed and which has since popped up at several locations, it's some mint syrup plus kardamom plus mineral water and some lemon/orange) (S)

I can't say for sure whether there was any added sugar in the soup and curry, but if so then there can't have been all that much. Plus - more veggies today, as promised. 

I think one of the reasons why reducing sugar isn't that much of a problem is that I never really had any regular sugar intake (like some people have, eg. always some honey in their tea and a biscuit after lunch or something like that, a habit). I eat sugar if someone places it in front of me (chocolate biscuits, anyone?) and I am concentrating on something else and just start to munch, OR I'm having a lousy time and buy some chocolate and have a small binge (oxymoron? maybe, but still true). Recently, with currently being able to make use of a nearby sauna, lousy times haven't been that much of a problem (I go there instead of stuffing myself with sweets), and I think if I take care I can avoid eating cookies just because they're available.
Other things (like Innocent smoothies etc) I normally get because I think of them as healthy and a small treat. Since I can't drink them right now (because I want to figure out whether they're actually good and healthy for me), I'll just get myself delicious tea as a treat, and that'll be that. :)

*I made some of these (with a different recipe, less cream) for Christmas presents, ended up with too many, kept some for myself, now using them up.

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