This is what I got done on Wednesday and Thursday - no knitting today as first I wildly overslept, then I did some actual uni work in the afternoon, and in the evening I spent my time searching the internet for stuff etc. :P
On the right, the scarf I started with, simple garter stitch. I folded it at the top because I just discovered a strange mistake and probably have to rip those last few rows out again. But no worries. ;)
The yarn is half cotton, half some sort of artificial stuff (Laneacril I think it says on the label, never heard of that one so far). It will hopefully be a nice scarf for late spring/early summer, or those cold rainy summer days we sometimes get. (Sometimes = the whole of last August, for example :P)
On the left, a very nice and slim GREEN green scarf done in 2x2 rib stitch. I will *try* to wear that with my dark blue spring jacket once the time comes, but I'm not usually the one for bright green, so we'll see. This is half wool, half acrylic.
These two will have to feature for my Week 1 Wardrobe Refashioning (WR) project; and then on Sunday hopefully I'll get to sew a little. :)
(Just to mention, I also did some sewing yesterday evening, but can't show you yet for certain special reasons...)
1 Kommentar:
i hope you are better from your cold!
and good luck with the knitting.
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