Dienstag, Oktober 24, 2006


I had two hours of sleep last night as for some reason I didn't manage to fall asleep before 6am. My legs feel like lead. :(
I have uni courses from 10.15 to 16.30, and a meeting with someone I'm doing a presentation with. I'm not sure I'm going to make a lot of sense today...
My mum says its my fault for falling asleep for an hour yesterday in the later afternoon. I blame the pot of (green) tea I had late in the evening - even if it would completely suck if I should already be this sensitive to any form of caffeine or theine. (Because, should I ever succumb to the lure of coffee again, will that make me go through the roof or what?)
I feel like sleeping for the rest of the day, but of course that won't happen.
Guess I'll have to make the best of it and try to look as awake and super-smart as possible...which might just be a little hard to do, since I feel like going "Graaah!" at everyone who talks to me. :P

Update: Ok, so I had courses until 17.45 (usually would be 17.30), I was probably feeling hopeful when I put it down as 16.30. ;) And it was pouring when uni was over. And I came home at 19.15. Ugh again.
Now, you might say: "Hey, you probably fell straight into bed! Go you!" but I didn't. Instead I felt this pressing need to dig out one of them old tapes I recorded when I was 12/13 and listen to "Do you remember the first time" by Pulp over and over again -while singing along and dancing around in my room. :D If that's not sleep-deprived and slightly demented behaviour, I don't know. ;) Ok, so singing and dancing around is GOOD, obviously, but doing it for over an hour, with the same song on for most of the time, and LOUD, while completely wreckedly tired - that's the demented part. Anyway, it felt great. So, as you can see, I had a wonderful end to a hectic day. :)

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