Sonntag, Oktober 15, 2006

I dream of smoking

I'm not a smoker. I never smoked. I never will smoke.
However - in my dreams I do.

I just remembered a minute ago that this night again I was dreaming about me smoking. I'm not kidding you. In my dreams, I'm actually a quite accomplished smoker.
Now, I had a lot of practice (in my dreams), because I dream these things repeatedly. Not the same dream over and over, but different ones, connected by the fact that my Dream Me is chain-smoking. Sure, I do not smoke in every dream I remember, but in a disconcerting number of them.

I can guess at what Freud and all psychologists might have to say about that. I probably had some traumatic experience in my oral phase and now, since I surpress that fact in my real life (I suppose?) my Dream Me/subconscious is free to smoke however much it wants to.
At least that's my guess - if anyone here has any other ideas, let me know.
(Fact: No one in my family smokes. My friends don't smoke. Only a few people I know smoke, and they're mostly colleagues from uni who I don't have much to do with.)

There are probably many possible reasons for this. But is there a solution? Are there any methods available for weaning my Dream Me away from the bad stuff?

Because it really messes with your life when you wake up and can't remember for quite a few minutes if you have ever smoked or not.

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Maybe some dream nicotine patches? ehehe =P

Anonym hat gesagt…

some people also say if you dream of something (usually not so good/scary things) and you talk about it - then it won't come true! so you are alright - you won't smoke :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

I just read your comment, I feel like such an idiot! hehe, that totally didn't twig when you said 'nano' in your post, DUH! hehe (probably because when I read your post I didn't know about it yet, LOL). That is SO COOL! What is it like? I'm excited and a bit scared, but it sounds like SO much fun. I've heard lots of people going 'oh gosh, 50 000 words is tons!' but I babble so much I think it will be fine (I won't say 'easy', I know I'll regret it!).

When we do essays at uni I always go over the wordcount by like 3000 words and have to edit and edit it back down.

*does a dance with you* How exciting! I'm off to have a look in the forums now =)

Anonym hat gesagt…

1. Wohee, kwoozy, that sounds good. It's the one thing I promised myself years ago, that I never ever would, so if I really won't, excellent!

2. Meshell, if I could do the lucid dreaming thing, sure, I'd get the nicotine patches, and do like Lucky Luke after he was forbidden to smoke (ie be cranky in my dreams).
Also, another YAY for the Nano thing. :D

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well, you know, "where there's smoke, there's fire". Maybe these dreams are a sign of your burning creativity. YES, I think that's it. LUV, Lori DeLozier

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hehe, I like that explanation, Lori! I hope that's it! :D