Montag, November 29, 2010

Good things list IX

Okay, before it is forgotten again, here is my list for the past two weeks:

*Going dancing with my boyfriend, plus my sister and her boyfriend.
*Then going to a concert with them the next day, kebap eating and lots of weird conversations
*We finally made it to Vienna! I delivered books. I got some books. We went shopping. We visited the Christmas market. We ate hot dogs and sweet pretzels and marvelled at the decorations in the trees.
*Lovely food on Sunday.
*A long night of sleep from Saturday to Sunday.
*A PhD party on Friday. Lightsabres were involved. Wheee!
*Snow! And I can still go by bike, because streets are wet, but not icy.
*Deep red nailpolish the colour of sparkly cranberry sauce.
*Spicy tea.
*Two diploma celebrations in one day, filled with coffee, prosecco, wine, song and dance. (Not kidding here.)
*New boots! I finally found some that fit.
*Two 2-day workweeks coming - this one and the next.
*My mum ordering us a big box of cider
*My parents giving us a box of yummy apple juice, directly from the farmer...we've been buying there for years, it's so good.
*A relaxing bath while listening to Thursday night TV - hilarious.
*Finding time to read, and read lots.
*Innocent smoothies now being available in 750ml tetra paks and not just the teeny-tiny bottles anymore. How I longed for that day! And not it is here...and they are so good, and much cheaper if bought by the pak, and I love love love them.
* A professor promising to bring chocolate to class next week. No matter how bizarre the class sometimes gets, nothing beats chocolate gifts.
*Speaking of that class - squid pictures. ;)

Considering I was ill and had miserable migraines before that, I guess that list ain't half bad. ;)

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