Freitag, November 26, 2010

Good news everyone!

(Or just good stuff in general.)

1. It is snowing. I declared a few days ago we would most likely only get snow by January. Not so. November 26 it is!

2. A friend of mine coined the term "Nochvember" ('noch' is the German word for 'still', it still being some time before Christmas madness really starts). I currently have slight troubles not saying/spelling it like this all the time.

3. I missed last weeks Good Things List, but this only means the next one will be a wonderful double-issue dose of happiness.

4. You know that work is a nice place when you stay 20minutes longer, already in your coat, chatting with your colleagues about fun stuff from knitting to meditation to music to snow to Bookcrossing. It is rare that this happens, but I love it when it does.

5. I'm currently listening to Zoe Keating. Don't know who she is? Well, I haven't yet let you know my decision concerning the October and November CDs.
October became Elvis Costello&the Attractions' "The best of the first 10 years", where I discovered that all the songs I so far knew from Mr. Costello were the darker ones, and somehow, the album is much more happy rock'n'roll (if that's what it is, I am not well versed in music categories) than I had anticipated. Anyway, nice.
And November then became the option I had spontaneously forgotten about when I put the question to you...namely, cello artist Zoe Keating. Apocalyptica being one my favourites for ages, I guess it should come as no surprise that I love cello music. It runs in the family. It even runs in the not-quite family (ie my boyfriend). Even my most depressed anime hero ever (Shinji Ikari) plays cello. *shrugs*
Therefore, I will not heartily recommend you visit her homepage and listen to some of the tracks you can stream from there and enjoy yourself. Maybe buy her EP (it's just 4$). Or just listen. No matter what, I swear it will make you happier. :)

6. Lindt now has caramel&fleur de sel chocolate. Finally! Thanks Lindt! It's rare that I envy the USA something, but reading all about caramel and salt pralines etc etc for the past few years, and not finding anything like this over here...well. I hope this stays in their programme.

7. And, yes, I almost forgot this - last night I was taking a bath, and while I was happily soaking away, I heard a TV commercial saying that innocent smoothies were now available in the large packs as well (and not just the teeny tiny bottles). I think my boyfriend must have really wondered what I was suddenly so excited about, because I started laughing madly, and shouting "Oooooh yes! Finally! Yeeehaw!" and other such stuff.
Innocent smoothies saved my life during my stay in London, and they are amongs my fondest food memories, right next to Pret sandwiches and the wicked marshmallow hot chocolate they sold right in front of the library (quite devious of them, yes, but I loved it).

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