Freitag, November 26, 2010

Help me name my bike

I've been looking for a name for my bike for ages. Not just for the current one, but for the one before that as well. I never had any good ideas. I called the previous one "Laguna" for a while, because it was blue, but it didn't really fit. I tried to call my current one "Ai-Khanoum" ("moon woman" in Uzbek), a term I wrote down in an exhibition and have been longing to use for something, but it's also not quite the real thing. I'll have to use that phrase for something else...
Anyway. I was reminded yesterday that a friend of mine is calling her bike Epona, which is pure genius (at least to me). Riding home later, I thought about names along those lines, and finally came up with some ideas:

*Highwind 7 - Highwind because of the FF airships, and 7, because Cid Highwind in FF7 has got to be the best FF airship pilot ever, right after Setzer from FF6. Also, 7 is one of my favourite numbers.
*Empyrea - I'm currently playing Dragon Quest 8, and one of the most beautiful things in this game, one which I have just come across, is the Godbird Empyrea. She can travel between worlds, she teaches you how to fly, and of course she is beautiful. ;) I really love birds, although hardly anyone knows this about me. Well, now you do. 
*Nautilus - Hmm, maybe. I just came up with this one. Would be fitting, I guess.
*Other FF airship names: Dreadnought (evil :P), Enterprise (lol), Nautilus, Invincible, Falcon, Lunar Whale (another favourite, oh my, the fun that was FF4 :D), Blackjack, Shera, Ragnarok, Hilda Garde, Prima Vista, Red Rose, Fahrenheit (I didn't even remember the name of the FF10 ship... :P), Celsius, Strahl. Oh dear. What a crazy list of names.

Funny, I thought more FF airships were called Highwind, but it's only the one in FF7. What an impression that must have made on me. I need to listen to "Sending a dream into the universe" right away...

So, I think I prefer the two top options. Now, tell me what you think. Also, have any other ideas? My bike is deep blue, so "King of Red Lions" is NOT working. Just thought I'd mention it.

1 Kommentar:

phoenix hat gesagt…

I really like Highwind 7!!
And thanks for the lovely reference, again. <3