Freitag, November 03, 2006

Winter is here

Hey people!
Actually, when I was at uni, I thought I'd tell you tonight about how temperatures have really dropped, and it was freezing cold, and around ze zero degrees. But I have something better for's freakin' snowing! O_O
Now, when I asked my dad, he told me that yes, two years ago we had snow this early...actually, on October 24. But, of course, last year I wasn't here, and so this time around I'm like a wee little girl and jumping around the flat screaming "I can't believe it! Snow! §%?#!"
So, in about 10 minutes, I'll be leaving this house (Qigong is calling) in my winter coat (already! Woot!), and crunching ont the first few flakes of this year! OMG!

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Buzzing-Bee-Head, (not be-head, right?) Are you starting the novel tomorrow??!!! Sounds like you're getting in the right frame of mind if you're putting the salad in the freezer and going nuts over the snow! True right-brainers live like that all the time, ha! I'm here, in Oklahoma, rooting for you in all ways.
Sincerely, Lori D.