So, how am I doing on all my several projects?
Going ok. I don't manage to read everything I should be reading, but so far it's working out somehow. Also, already one presentation down, only 3 (or something) to go. ;)
But, somehow I feel quite good doing all these things. It keeps me occupied and I never sit around thinking "Now what should I do?" as I'm always doing something!
And every week, I like my supervising professor more; I think I definitely made the right choice when I decided to write my thesis with him. Good, eh?
Doing sports:
Oh, still love it all! With Aikido, two weeks ago I had a day where for some reason (ok I can guess why) I didn't manage to be concentrated enough and had some problems to do things correctly, but last week was fine again, and lots of fun. I'm losing my fear of falling, which is brilliant. I can do those forward and backward rolls quite well by now, at least better than a few weeks ago, so it feels like this huge success. :) Also, I really like the people doing the course, it's always fun to practice and talk with them.
The massage stuff is also going well, we finished the legs and have now started with the back, and oooh, it's brilliant! :)
Climbing this Tuesday was hard, since we had a break of 3 weeks or so, and at one point I almost lashed out at some guy who was trying to help me, just because I was getting so frustrated. (I didn't - thankfully.) But the first bit went quite well - the warming up, really felt good - it was just that after that bit my arms were already pretty much exhausted. :P
And Qi Gong, always good. I always feel loads better afterwards. :)
Meeting old friends, making new ones:
Going brilliantly!
Went to a cabaret show with my sister on Wednesday (Hader muss weg, for those elusive Austrian readers), would have gone to a meeting afterwards but all the people had left already (:P). Yesterday, one of my oldest friends celebrated because she finished her studies on Wednesday, so I met her and her boyfriend and some people from school, really fun as well. I talked so much that my voice disappeared halfway into the evening, and I had to coax it back with a cup of tea. ;)
Also, see below with Bookcrossing. :)
Uh oh. Nothing for a while. But I finished a paitning last week and put it up in my entrance hall, and I bought some more beads to make something nice for some swaps that are currently on. So yeah...not much doing, but some thinking about crafting.
Oh, wait - I did some origami at this Japanese festival we had last week. ;)
Two swaps that are supposed to go out next week or so, and I'm receiving more and more requests! Yay and Argh! I guess I have to update my swap post and tell people I'm all excited about hearing from them, but that it will just have to wait a couple of...months.
Well, I managed to drag my Nano-novel over the 1/3 mark yesterday, but I'm a little behind by now. My plan had been to take it to 20k this weekend, let's see whether that works out, as the weekend ends in about 21 hours, and I'm currently writing here and not in my Word document. :P
Well, except for the two t-shirt refashions I did in October (there was a t-shirt refashion competition, and since there were only three people who did something for it, I'll soon receive a runner-up prize! How exciting is that!) I haven't yet done anything, although I really want to. Ok, so I dyed a few things in this lovely lavender-like colour (should have been violet, but lavender/mauve suits me just as well), but haven't yet done anything with them (not even ironed them, I know, I'm sooo bad. :P) Hope I'll get around to this tube-top thingie I really want to make soon.
Woohoo! Went to my first meeting ever today, and it was so much fun! Actually, one of the girls there studying the same as I do, so now I have a new friend at my department, hehe. We even like the same kind of music - brilliant! I left a few books at the meeting, and got some new ones, which is so exciting! I would soooo love to read them all at once, and now, but of course, no time yet. :P
(So yes, I met some new people here!)
So, as you can see, I'm WAY busy, but I'm also feeling really good about it all. I have these moments of exhaustion, but they only last a very short time now, since I am getting better and better at counteracting these. I could say I'm having the time of my life, but I guess I'll keep that for the moment when I finally manage to talk to Mr Elusive.* ;)
Hope everyone else is also doing well...I am reading your blogs, and I'm commenting whenever I have anything useful to say! I'll be better with posting here again once November is over. ;)
*Funnily enough, at this point in time only my friend's boyfriend would know what I'm talking about...