Montag, März 16, 2009

Not a good start

So, I fell ill last Wednesday evening. Wednesday afternoon I had given in to the lure of visiting the one 2nd-hand store I'd ever been in, and I found a number of lovely things (though apparently thrift stores aren't as thrifty here as in other parts of the world...); and there's actually not much I want to change about them but maybe a little...
But I can't, because I'm supposed to stay in bed, drink lots of tea, and give myself some rest.

So, WR, not a good start.
Missing first class of my one uni course this semester, not a good start.

At least I found a new doctor closer to my new home than my previous one, and she was really nice and lovely too.

Back to bed now, and back to my book.

Dienstag, März 10, 2009

Random Acts of Mending

The beginning of this WR run was, for me, marked by doing some mending (3 pants fixed and once again wearable! Ditto one jumper and a dress) and some finishing (weaving in ends on two scarves I knit, sewing the perfect button to my Calorimetry 2). I also pulled a few more refashion-designated items from my wardrobe.
What's on the line right now:

- Fixing, or having fixed, the very ripped and sad-looking lining on my once-and-for-always-favourite jacket
- Deciding about a couple of unplannedly felted wooly things
- Fixing the pocket on my winter coat (and anything else I might find wrong with it before putting it away - it's getting so much warmer!)
- I'd love to make a few simple headbands, if I find the right materials in my stash.
- And, of course, to continue knitting!

Not included in WR per se is jewellery, *but* I've finally begun to take apart the big bag of cheaply-sold beaded things which I got on Etsy more than a year ago, which I want to remake into things more suited to my taste (or that of my friends, whichever). I also grabbed a couple of necklaces (my own) which I had designated for remaking but now decided I still want to wear them as they are.

I wanted to write about something else, but forgot what it was. If a new post follows minutes after this one, so be it.

Montag, März 02, 2009

New Outfit

In my bid to finally get a three-column-blog, I found this beautiful template (via the usual internet routes...WR-other blog-nice template). I will probably customize it to death once I know how (different header, maybe different background, different colours etc), but the most important thing right now are those columns. :-*
[No idea why only a few links are displayed in beautiful purple and not all of them, I'll hopefully get it fixed somehow.]

Anyway, thanks go to these people:

for their beautiful (free!) blog templates.

On another note, the fates are laughing at me, at least a little - yesterday, my 2 month pledge began, and yesterday I go home to my parents and find the new Boden catalogue waiting for me. ;-( With 10% off until March 17. ;-(
Oh well.
Will meditate on this.

Sonntag, März 01, 2009

WR Pledge

I pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 / 4 / 6 months. I pledge that i shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoted, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftiness brings!

I pledge in addition that, for the term of my contract, I will not buy new yarn or fabric, unless needed to finish a project.


List to get me started:

1) Mend some clothes (already put in a messy pile, waiting for needle and thread, and sometimes buttons)
2) Look through wardrobe for things to give away or refashion (already a few candidates)
3) Continue knitting like a war heroine!