Montag, April 30, 2007

The Golden Compass

Now, some may know that I am an avid reader of (almost) all things fantasy. And three of the books that I discovered in the past few years, and which I heart and love and have read twice already, make the His Dark Materials Trilogy.
These books are now being filmed. Film no.1 will be shown in cinemas come December. And to celebrate it all, they have made a homepage (with trailer!).

If you know the books, you will know about daemons. And this page also allows you to generate your own daemon. But! To have it reach its final form, you need your friends' input.
So, if you want some fun, go here, make some guesses concerning my personality, and watch my little daemon transform.
I've already gone from hare to ermine to ocelot, and I'm really excited to see what it will be in the end. :)

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