Mittwoch, April 04, 2012

March Reading + Food Update

Here's what I read in March:

Midnight's Children (I started this in October, but read only to about page 80 - finished it now)
Things fall apart
A bunch of short stories (Simple Recipe (Madeleine Thien), Swimming Lessons (Rohinton Mistry), Land Deal (Gerald Murnane), Pension Day (Archie Weller), Ismini (Beverley Farmer), Brackley and the Bed (Samuel Selvon), The Man (Austin Clarke))

...these were all for my exam,  which went very well indeed. :) And yes, I read those texts above in less than a week. Phew. But it was worth it. My mind went a little funny, reading all those rather sad stories in such a short space of time, but yeah. Life goes on. :)

And then, for something completely different:
One Piece #1-61

... I love them so much. I've been reading them for around 10 years now (I started after watching parts of the anime together with my brother, way back when). As I see it, they will continue for a long while yet, I would guess easily to around #100. I hope they will. They're the best. <3
Thankfully, my boyfriend has joined me in being a fan, and we can now talk about them endlessly. And watch the anime together. And share the cost of the books. Isn't it great when things work out like that? :D

Food Update:
I'm still keeping up my daily lists of what I consume, but one day I just stopped posting them - I wanted to add more commentary but was too tired, and it just continued from there. Maybe I'll post them later just like that, maybe I'll add some more explanation yet, I don't know.
Anyway, I told myself that up until Easter, I would try eating some things containing sugar again to see what that would do, and then after Easter I'll probably go back to eating none, with a book on fructose intolerance to help me some more. At least by now I'm pretty sure my problems are tied to fructose/high sugar in general. A good step in the right direction. :)

1 Kommentar:

kris hat gesagt…

ack. do you realise how hard that will make it to bring you any souvenirs at all? ;)

(just kidding. good work -- figuring these things out in the first place is hard enough already. and we'll always have exotic teas to fall back on. :))