My current employment will end with the end of January. Despite all the usual stuff I will do because of that (meeting with a counselor of the national employment agency, applying for unemployment pay, writing loads of job applications) the bios of all those oh so successful people around me - or, right now, the job application received here at the office from someone three years younger than me but with loads more experience and expertise - made me think about collecting a portfolio of all the skills I've learned through my life, looking at that and feeling a bit better about myself. We did something like this a year ago at a workshop I visited, so I guess I'd better dig out the lists from back then and bring them into a nice, readable, appealing form.
I will apply for all kinds of things, from internships at newspapers and museums to actual jobs at libraries to whatever else comes to mind (I've got a list set and ready). Hopefully I can do some kind of training sponsored by this beautiful country I live in (since I had to pay for my current education to be a trainer in adult education all by myself, thanks a lot :P).
Some time soon I will also post all the things I knit for Christmas presents etc, and maybe some other pretty or at least happy things as well. :)
Grey and cold as it may be here in Graz, I hope you all had a great start into the new year. :)